Bottler™ Charges

Bottler and Bottler lite.jpg

Bottler™ is a water-jacketed omni-directional disruptor that is economical and simple to deploy. There are two versions available, Bottler™ and Bottler Lite™, both available in three sizes 0.25 litre, 0.5 litre and 1 litre.

Bottler is used against small to medium sized IEDs such as bags or suitcases, bursting open vehicles or other containers and disrupting the contents.  The 1 litre Bottler is highly effective when combined with a WindowBreaker™ to gain entry to a vehicle and disrupt an IED using an ROV.

The Bottler Lite charges are low NEQ versions of the Bottler using the same principle as the original Bottler to provide a more controlled disruption with less collateral damage.

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